What we do

Helping over 200 people each week in Totton

Providing support, education and training enabling people to better cope with their circumstances and develop the skills and confidence to improve them.

Our work is shaped around the needs of the people it helps. For over 30 years, and into the future, it will respond to local needs as identified by the people it serves.

Group work

Bringing people together and giving them time for themselves, away from their problems. Non-judgemental and nurturing in style, our groups create consistency, opportunities for further signposting and community empowerment - enabling people to find new strength in one another and increase control in their lives.

Parenting courses

Free-to-attend courses equipping parents and carers with the skills and confidence to build healthy family lives. Seeking positive changes by helping parents and carers feel less alone in the problems they’re facing. Empowering parents and carers to address the types of needs YFM sees through our wider work with children and young people at an earlier stage.

One to one support

Designed around the person and for the personal circumstances they face, one to one support moves people forward in whatever the struggle they’re facing. With children this often involves developing emotional literacy, with young people it often involves safeguarding against harmful behaviours and with adults it’s about setting goals to move through and beyond a crisis.

Hardship help

Basics Bank distributes thousands of food parcels each year on a referral basis and YFM staff help people access available support. Working closely with Citizens Advice, the Fuel Bank and FareShare, we do what we can to ease the burden of financial hardship and provide wraparound support for households that are struggling.

About us

Our mission is to enable people to better cope with their circumstances and to develop the skills and confidence to improve them.

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